- C Tang, Y Yao, N Wang, X Zhang, F Zheng, L Du, D Luo, Y Aoki, S Ye “Green hydrogen production by intermediate‐temperature protonic solid oxide electrolysis cells: Advances, challenges, and perspectives” InfoMat, e12515, 2023
- B Yuan, N Wang, C Tang, L Meng, L Du, Q Su, Y Aoki, S Ye “Advances and challenges in high-performance cathodes for protonic solid oxide fuel cells and machine learning-guided perspectives” Nano Energy, 109306, 2024
- N Kamitani, SW Jeong, H Habazaki, Y Aoki “Vanadium Nitride Is an Efficient Hydrogen-Diffusive Cathode for Green Ammonia Electrochemical Synthesis by Protonic Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells” ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2024
- C Tang, N Wang, S Kitano, H Habazaki, Y Aoki, S Ye “Boosting High-performance in Zr-rich Side Protonic Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells by Optimizing Functional Interlayer” Green Energy & Environment 2024
- 高橋拓也, 鳥海創, 小林玄器, 北野翔, 幅崎浩樹, 青木芳尚 “ペロブスカイト型BaM1-xInxO3-yHz (M=Sn, Ce, Zr, Ti)の合成と評価” 第90回電気化学会, 3/27-29, 2023, 東北工業大学.
- Takuya Takahashi, Hajime Toriumi, Genki Kobayashi, Yoshitaka Aoki “Synthesis and characterization of perovskite-type BaM1-xInxO3-yHz(M=Sn, Ce, Zr, Ti)” Solid-State Protonic Conductor-21, Sep. 17-22, 2023, Nishizin plaza, Fukuoka.
- Ryosuke Maeda, Hajime Toriumi, Yoshitaka Aoki “Conductivity Measurement of BaZr0.5In(II)0.5O2.25H0.5” Solid-State Protonic Conductor-21, Sep. 17-22, 2023, Nishizin plaza, Fukuoka.
- 高橋拓也, 鳥海創, 小林玄器, 青木芳尚 “ペロブスカイト型BaM1-xInxO3-yHz (M=Sn, Ce, Zr, Ti)の合成と評価” 第49回固体イオニクス討論会, 11/15-17, 2023, 北海道大学.
- Y. Aoki, H. Toriumi and G. Kobayashi “Hydride ion defects in barium indate zirconate perovskite” 19th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL2023), Jun 26-29, Heraqulion, Greece.
- Y. Aoki, H. Toriumi and G. Kobayashi “BaZr1-xInxO3-d perovskites are both proton and hydride-ion conductor” Petite XII: An International Workshop on the Defect-Chemical Nature of Solids, Sep. 4-7, Edesheim, Germany.
- Y. Aoki, H. Toriumi and G. Kobayashi “Hydrogenation of BaM1-xInxO3-d perovskites (M = Zr, Sn, Ce etc.)” Solid-State Protonic Conductor-21, Sep. 17-22, 2023, Fukuoka, Japan.
- Y. Aoki “Metal nitrides are efficient hydrogen-diffusive cathode for protonic solid oxide electrolysis cells”, PACRIM15, Nov 5-9. Shenzhen, China
- 青木芳尚「水素透過セラミックスの開発とプロトンSOFCへの応用」第129回SOFC研究会、Jan 29, 2024、東京
- 特願2023-041188 “セラミック可逆セル、ならびにそれを含む水蒸気電解セル及び燃料電池” 2023/03/15、出願者:北海道大学
1. H–イオン伝導体
1. H. Toriumi, G. Kobayashi, T. Saito, T. Kamiya, T. Sakai, T. Nomura, S. Kitano, H. Habazaki and Y. Aoki*, “Hydrogen permeable ceramics of barium indate-zirconate perovskite oxyhydride with enhanced hydride ion/electron mixed conductivity” Chemistry of Materials, Vol. 34, No. 16, pp. 7389 – 7401 (2022). IF = 10.5.

2. C. Kura, Y. Kunisada, E. Tsuji, S. Zhu, H. Habazaki, S. Nagata, T. P. Michael, R. A. de Souza and Y. Aoki* “Room temperature hydrogen separation by titanium nitride membranes with high hydride ion conductivity” Nature Energy, Vol. 2, pp. 786-794 (2017). IF = 60.9.
2. ヘテロ接合燃料電池
3. S. W. Jeong, N. Wang, S. Kitano, H. Habazaki, M. Nagayama and Y. Aoki* “Metal/Oxide Heterojunction Boosts Fuel Cell Cathode Reaction at Low Temperature” Advanced Energy Materials, Vol. 11, pp. 2102015/1 – 11 (2021). IF = 29.7.

4. S. W. Jeong, T. Yamaguchi, M. Okamoto, C. Zhu, H. Habazaki, M. Nagayama and Y. Aoki*, “Proton pumping boosts power generation of hydrogen permeable metal support fuel cells” ACS Applied Energy Materials, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 1222-1234 (2020). IF = 6.96.
5. Y. Aoki, C. Wiemann, V. Feyer, H.-S. Kim, M. Scneider, H. Ill-Yoo and M. Martin “Bulk mixed ion electron conduction in amorphous gallium oxide causes memristive behaviour” Nature Communications, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 3473/1-/9 (2014). IF = 17.7

6. K. Akimoto, N. Wang, C. Tang, S. W. Jeong, S. Kitano, H. Habazaki and Y. Aoki*, “Functionality of the Cathode–Electrolyte Interlayer in Protonic Solid Oxide Fuel Cells” ACS Applied Energy Materials, (2022). IF = 6.96

7. C. Tang, N. Wang, R. Zhu, S. Kitano, H. Habazaki and Y. Aoki*, “Design of anode functional layers for protonic solid oxide electrolysis cells” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol. 10, No. 29, pp. 15719 – 15730 (2022). IF = 15.4
8. N. Wang, C. Tang, L. Du, R. Zhu, L. Xing, Z. Song, B. Yuan, L. Zhao, Y. Aoki and S. Ye, “Advanced Cathode Materials for Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells: Recent Progress and Future Perspectives” Advanced Energy Materials, Vol. 12, pp. 2201882/1 – 29 (2022). IF = 29.7

9. C. Tang, K. Akimoto, N. Wang, L. Fadillah, S. Kitano, H. Habazaki, Y. Aoki,* “The effect of an anode functional layer on the steam electrolysis performances of protonic solid oxide cells” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 9, No. 24, pp. 14032 – 14042 (2021). IF = 15.4
10. N. Wang, B. Yuan, C. Tang, L. Du, R. Zhu, Y. Aoki, W. Wang, L. Xing, S. Ye, “Machine learning–accelerated development of efficient mixed protonic–electronic conducting oxides as the air electrodes for protonic ceramic cells” Advanced Materials, Vol. 34, pp. 22034462/1 – 13 (2022). IF = 30.6

11. K. Hu, T. Ohto, Y. Nagata, M. Wakisaka, Y. Aoki, J. Fujita, and Y. Ito “Catalytic activity of graphene-covered non-noble metals governed by proton penetration in electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction” Nature Communications, Vol. 12, pp. 1 – 9 (2021). doi; 10.1038/s41467-020-20503-7, ). IF = 17.7
12. Y. Aoki*, K. Takase, H. Kiuchi, D. Kowalski, Y. Sato, H. Toriumi, S. Kitano, H. Habazaki, “In Situ Activation of a Manganese Perovskite Oxygen Reduction Catalyst in Concentrated Alkaline Media” Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 143, pp. 6505 – 6515 (2021). doi; 10.1021/jacs.1c00449, IF = 16.4

13. N. Wang, S. Hinokuma, T. Ina, C. Zhu, H. Habazaki and Y. Aoki* “Mixed Proton–electron–oxide Ion Triple Conducting Manganite as Efficient Cobalt-free Cathode for Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells” Journal of the Materials Chemistry A, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 2730-2741 (2020). IF = 15.4